County Teams

Yorkshire County fields teams in a number of disciplines, with separate Captains organising the teams.
Where available, results will be published in the Results section of this site.


Captain: Edward Kendall

Competitions entered
   - Inter County league, 25yds prone rifle (1st team of 20 (comp 610), and two or three reserve teams of 10 shooters (comp 611))
   - County knock-out competition, 25yds prone (team of 20)
   - BSA Cup, 25yds prone rifle (team of 12)
   - County Cup, 50m & 100yds prone rifle (team of 12)
   - County teams are usually entered at the NSRA rifle meetings in Scotland and at Bisley.


Captain: Jill Norman

Competitions entered
- Inter County league, 25yds prone rifle, (team of 5, comp 614 )


Captain: Jill Norman

Air Rifle

Captain: Ian Waghorn

Competitions entered
- Inter County 10m air rifle (team of 5)

Rapid & Standard Air pistol

Captain: Ian Waghorn

Air Pistol

Captain: John Osborn

Three positional (3P)

Captain: John Lee

Competitions entered
- Inter County short range championship (team of 3)
- Inter County championship (at the NSRA rifle meeting)

Yorkshire Regional Training Squads

Squad manager: Edward Kendall

Both the Rifle and Pistol training squads are aimed at people who have the ambition and drive to improve their shooting skills in order to compete at National and even International level.

Rifle Squad
The Rifle squad has been in existence for over twenty years, and over the years has provided help with individual problems and general coaching for many shooters. We try to assist in a combination of ways, from self help to calling on the skills of our county coaches.

The squad meet over a number of weekends (both Saturday and Sunday) during the winter months at the Easingwold Rifle Club. Most members stay in local accommodation and make a social event of the Saturday evening.

Dates for the Winter 2014-15 squad meetings are: December 6/7, January 10/11, February 7/8 and March 7/8.

The area that the region covers is the whole of Yorkshire, Durham, Cleveland and Northumberland - an area that encompasses over 65 clubs. Some financial support is also given by the above County associations.

The size of the squad is usually no more than ten plus coaches, as this number matches the available firing points. The cost to each member this year is £50-00 Juniors £25-00.

For further information, please contact the squad manager.

Pistol squad
This squad was formed in June 2011 and also hold their sessions at Easingwold Rifle Club. The squad meets on the third Saturday of every other month throughout the year. The dates for a twelve month period are published before hand.

Help is offered by the more experienced shooters and by the very experienced team of Sue and Harry Preston as Coaches.

For further information, please contact  the squad manager .